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Showing posts from October, 2020

10 Interesting facts about human body.

            1 0 INTRESTING HUMAN BODY FACTS 1 . Babies are born with 300 bones. But, adult have 206. 2 . You are taller in the morning than you are at night. 3 . Cornea of the eye is the only part which has no blood supply. It receives oxygen directly from the air. 4 . On average, a person says almost 4,800 words in 24 hours. 5 . Bones are about 5 times stronger than steel. 6 . Women blink about two times less often than men. 7 . The strongest muscle in the human body is tongue. 8 . Right handed people live, on average, nine years longer than left handed people. 9 . The total weight of bacteria in the human body is 2kg. 10 . It is impossible to sneeze with your eyes open.

The world in 2030

                                            THE WORLD IN 2030     We are living in a beautiful world. Currently, we have a bitter experience. That is the spread of Covid-19. All of us are staying at our home. Currently, education and politics are changed them as digital. Many people are busy in their IT jobs during this pandemic. Have you expected about the future changes of the world after 10 years? Today, we will watch about the changes which will happen in 2030. When you are reading this blog, imagine about the world in 2030.   1 . DEMOGRAPHICS   There will be about 1 billion more people in 2030 and we can live longer. Average age of the global population will increase. The world will reach 8.5 billion people by 2030. In 2015, the total population of the world is 7.3 billion. The fastest growing demographic will be elderly, with the population of people over 65 years of age at 1 billion by 2030 according to Google. Most percentage of the new one billion people will be in the middle

Top 10 habits of genius

                    TOP 10 HABITS OF GENIUS       Who is genius?           We have already known about some geniuses. For example, Albert Einstein, Leonardo da Vinci and Marie Curie. Their inventions are mind blowing. A normal person cannot invent like them. The main reason is their genius brain helped them to invent mind blowing things. A genius person who displays exceptional intellectual ability, creative productivity, universality in genus or originality, typically to a degree that is associated with the achievement of new advances in a domain of knowledge according to Wikipedia. An average IQ of genius is above 160. In this blog, we will find the top 10 habits of genius. After reading this blog till the end, you can easily find out genius who is in your society. 1 . THEY ALWAYS KEEP THEIR ROOM TIDY       Most of the smart people keep their room and surrounding tidy because they haven't time to mind about keep their room. Especially, they always have messy desk. This is one of

Who will become the first trillionaire?

        FIRST  TRILLIONAIRE IN THE WORLD     Money is the main need of our life. We cannot do anything without money. If you have' t enough money, you will be like a zombie. Our basic needs are, house, food and dress. We can't experience our basic needs without money. If a person has good health and wealth, he would be the luckiest person in the world. There are many millionaires and billionaires in all around the world. But, that isn't our topic .Trillionaire means a person who has the net worth of one trillion USD. I expect three persons to become the first trillionaire in the world. After reading this blog till the end, you can easily predict about who will be the first trillionaire in the world.                PRESENT SITUATION OF BILLIONAIRES        Currently, there are 2,825 billionaires in the world. 614 billionaires from USA, 389 billionaires from China, 107 billionaires from Germany, 102 billionaires from India and 99 billionaires from Russia according to Forbes(i

Is time travel possible?

                                IS  TIME  TRAVEL  POSSIBLE? We  have  already  watched  many  time travel movies. For example, The time traveler's wife (2009) and Back to the future (1985). We were so exciting while watching these movies. I don't love action or romantic movies but, I love time travel movies because, It contains best storyline. Today, you can easily understand time travel is possible in real life after reading this blog. But, according to the physics, it contains some risks. We will watch about this in next paragraphs.              WHAT PHYSICS SAYS ABOUT TIME TRAVEL     Earlier, Albert Einstein discovered  theory of relativity in 1905. We can easily write this theory in formula format. It is E=mc2 . We have already studied this formula in physics class. I can give you a simple definition about this formula. E means energy , m means mass and c means speed of light. Light can travel 300 000 000 m per second which is equal to 300 000 km/s. A high speed train's

Top 5 work from home jobs

            TOP  5 WORK FROM HOME JOBS ( 2020 )       There are  many  highest  paying  jobs  in  the modern  world. For  example, doctor ,surgeon ,dentist, engineering etc. But, these types of jobs  require  educational  qualifications and work experience. Some of us don't  like to go out from our home. But, we want to earn lot of money for our financial freedom. These are five  professional jobs you can work from your home. If you do these jobs as profession, you won't need to manage any phone calls. You can earn a decent money amount using these jobs.           1 . YOUTUBER   If  you want to earn money from home, this is  the best option for you. You can easily create a channel and upload videos on youtube. After few months, you will do some settings and link your channel with google adsense and earn money. The revenue is totally depends on views of  each video. PewDiePie, Logan Paul are some famous youtubers. They earn millions of dollars each year. If you proof your skills